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Instruction On Labor Protection In The Office Of Geography

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Instruction On Labor Protection In The Office Of Geography

5 The teacher should: - instruct for students on labor protection in the office of geography with a mandatory mark in the 'Journal of briefing on labor protection' and in the class journal; - during the training, observe the rules of fire safety, know the location of the primary fire extinguishing means; - to ensure the stability of furniture available in the office, incl.. If the equipment malfunctions, stop working and inform the teacher; 1 4 Students are prohibited from: - Bringing into the school stabbing, cutting, flammable objects; - Run without the permission of the teacher, open the windows, transoms; push each other; throw different objects at each other; 1.. Students should: - Undergo an instruction on labor protection in the office of geography; - in conducting classes and at breaks, observe the rules of conduct, the schedule of training sessions, the established modes of work and rest; - in the course of classes, students are required to observe the established procedure for conducting training sessions, keep their workplace clean; - When working in the office, observe the rules of fire safety; - for each accident, the victim or eyewitness of an accident must immediately inform the teacher. HERE

Municipal Educational Establishment 'C Osh No 4' The Chairman of the Trade Union Committee ____________ OK was agreed.. The teacher is forbidden: - to admit to classes of students who have not been instructed on labor protection in the office of geography; - leave students unattended; - put heavy objects on loose cabinets; - put flowers on cabinets; - keep electrical appliances on; - use unchecked equipment; - close the door of the cabinet with a key during class. Click

The State shall afford protection to labor, promote full employment, ensure equal work opportunities regardless of sex, race or creed and regulate the relations between The Bureau of Labor Relations and the Labor Relations Divisions in the regional offices of the Department of Labor, shall have. 3

During the training, the following dangerous and harmful factors can be influenced by students: - violation of posture, - curvature of the spine, - development of nearsightedness with improper selection of the sizes of student furniture; - violation of visual acuity in case of insufficient illumination in the office; - electric shock with defective electrical equipment cabinet. 773a7aa168 Click

GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS 1 1 Students are allowed to study in the classroom and have passed a medical examination and instruction on labor protection.